The great work of the ministers is like that of Eliezer, Abraham's servant, to seek a match for our master's son. Our way to win you is to tell you what he is; he is God-man in one person; he is man, that you may not be afraid of him; God, that he may be sufficient to do you good; 'the Lord of lords,' 'King of kings,' the 'heir of all things,' the 'Saviour of the world;' 'this is your beloved, ye daughters of Jerusalem.' He knoweth your wants, is able to supply them, though you are unworthy. Come, he needeth no portion with you; we can bring nothing to him, he hath enough in himself; as Esther, the poor virgin, had garments out of the king's wardrobe, Esther ii. 12, and the perfumes and odours given her on the king's cost. Therefore come to him; it is danger to neglect him: 'See that ye refuse not him that speaketh from heaven,' Heb. xii. 25. It is God wooeth you; he will take you with nothing, he is all-sufficient; you bringing him nothing but all-necessity, he will protect you, maintain you, give you a dowry as large as heart can wish. Therefore leave not till you come to 'I am my beloved's, and he is mine.'