The same light that discovers the greatness of God, discovers the meanness of the creature; the holiness of God seen, discovers the vileness of the creature; the fulness of God being seen, then appears the emptiness of the creature, and the baseness thereof: hence the holiest of men, upon the discovery of the Lord, must cry out, "Behold, I am vile!" Isaiah vi. 5. Then is the soul ashamed and confounded, when the Lord is discovered as pacified towards it, Ezek. xvi. 63. O! did not the sight of the glory of God in Christ, believer, make the haughtiness of man to fall, and the loftiness of man to be laid low? The fairer that Christ is seen, the viler does the believer see himself; and then self-wisdom, self-righteousness, self-love, are dashed down to the ground, and covered with shame and blushing.
—Ralph Erskine