Thursday, March 31, 2011

"The gospel is an art or science to teach us to love God."

[T]rue faith in Christ breedeth sincere love to God: Gal. iv. 6,'Faith worketh by love.' The true office of faith is to persuade the soul of the astonishing wonders of God's love shown in the redemption by Christ: 'We have known and believed the love that God hath to us,' 1 John iv. 16. And why? Not only that we may gaze on it with amazement, but 'that we may love him again who loved us first,' ver. 19. That this love may make a due impression upon us, and melt us into all love and respect to God, who pitied us in our lost estate, and provided so full and costly a remedy for us. The gospel is an art or science to teach us to love God.

—Thomas Manton