How We May Give No Account
We cannot answer the Demands of GOD's Justice, for one of a thousand. And, therefore, as when Alcibiades went to visit Pericles, but was refused Admission, with this Excuse, That he was then busy studying, how to give up his Accounts to the State; Tell him, saith he, that it were wiser for him to study how he might give no Account. So, truly, since we can give no good Account, it will be our Wisdom to study, how we may give no Account, nor be ourselves answerable for what we have done. This can no otherwise be, than by getting an Interest in JESUS CHRIST, that He may answer, and make up our Accounts for us at that Day; and, at every Item reckoned up against us, may say, it is discharged, blotted, and crossed out, by His own most precious Blood. This is the only way for us, who are such desperate Debtors, to appear with Confidence before our great Creditor.
—Ezekiel Hopkins