Sunday, January 9, 2011

Unseen Master

Remember, still, that you are not your own; that you have an unseen Master that must be pleased, whoever be displeased, and an unseen kingdom to be obtained, and an invisible soul that must be saved, though all the world be lost. Fix your eyes still on him that made and redeemed you, and upon the ultimate end of your Christian race, and do nothing, willfully, unworthy such a master, and such an end.

Richard Baxter

Love to an unseen Master guides the whole life, and is strong enough to change everything. Men may scorn and dislike such a phenomenon, but they can scarcely deny, when brought face to face with it, that Biblical Christianity still lives. Nor is the evidence for the vitality of the faith less strong in the "patient continuance in well-doing," amid trial and sorrow, which some lives present, in which a hard lot is accepted and privation patiently borne for the sake of being better able to proclaim among men the glory of the divine Master.

William Arnot